
Braces are metallic appliances placed on your teeth the correct crooked/ maligned teeth and to guide the teeth to the desired position. They consist of brackets glued to the teeth connected by metal wires. Selective pressure is applied by the orthodontist in a planned manner to move the teeth in the desired direction.

There are many different types of braces, and the orthodontist helps you choose what will serve your purpose the best.


Metal Braces: these braces are made of stainless steel. They are the most popular choice as they are the most durable and effective.


Ceramic Braces: there braces are made of ceramic. Their biggest advantage is that they appear more aesthetic than conventional metallic braces.


Lingual braces: these braces are fixed on the inner surfaces of the teeth and are not visible.

Who needs braces?

Anyone who has crooked teeth, spaces, overlapping teeth,or desires a smile with straight teeth, needs orthodontic correction. This can be in the form of braces or aligners. Some common scenarios requiring correction are:


Crowding means that there is not enough space in the mouth for all your teeth. As a result, the teeth crowd each other, thus growing crooked or modifying straight teeth over time. Unfortunately, as time passes, this problem tends to get worse.
There are many reasons why crowding happens. Some people’s mouths are too small for all the teeth to grow properly. Many experience it once the wisdom teeth grow in., they might need to be taken out to prevent crowding.
Regular dental Hygiene practices become complicated. Since it is almost impossible to clean all teeth properly, dental problems start to develop. These are caused by the accumulation of plaque. This causes tooth decay, halitosis, gum disease, and it may ultimately lead to bone loss.


Teeth too far apart
Spacing is another reason why people need braces. Furthermore, this issue can impair the functioning of your jar or bite.


Protruded teeth
An overbite means that your upper front teeth are further out than the lower ones. This protrusion of the upper teeth beyond an acceptable limit not only gives an unsightly appearance but also interferes with several physiological functions. Any injury may lead to breaking of these teeth and consequent damage to the lips. People with protruded teeth sometimes cannot close their lips in a natural manner. This leads to mouth breathing at night, leading to dehydration and impaired digestion. It can also lead to impaired jaw growth, especially in children. This is one of the most common conditions requiring orthodontic correction.


Retroclined teeth
In this condition the lower teeth and jaw overlap the upper teeth. It’s the exact opposite of proclination. Retroclined teeth can make your face appear imbalanced, you may have trouble when biting or chewing, and it can even accelerate facial aging. This condition is caused by genetics, thumb sucking, extended use of a pacifier, and constant thrusting your tongue against the teeth. If your child has an underbite, they should get braces as soon as possible. Severe cases of underbite require surgery to fix the problem.


Open bite
An open bite is a dental condition where the upper and lower teeth extend outwards, and they do not touch each other. The main causes for an open bite are thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, poor resting tongue position, or chewing on a pencil or other object. Bottles and pacifiers who are used for a prolonged period or incorrectly used are also a risk factor.
Orthodontic treatment is a must in such cases because an open bite can cause difficulties biting and speech problems.


Bad Breath
If your breath smells even though you believe you perform dental hygiene practices 1. Speech problems
Speech problems, such as a lisp, then it may be caused by a malocclusion. By aligning the teeth and jaw with the help of braces such issues can be cured.


Jaw pain
Jaw pain might be caused by a misaligned jaw. This is since it puts too much stress on the temporomandibular joints. Orthodontic treatment may be required to treat this.