Blog | Aligners vs. Braces: Duration of Pain and Discomfort

Aligners vs. Braces: Duration of Pain and Discomfort

Experience the journey to a confident smile with aligners or braces! Dive into the nuances of pain and discomfort duration at Health Chakra.

When a patient has the issue of uneven teeth or bite inefficiency, we immediately think of either braces or aligners. Using these methods, orthodontists provide relief to patients from a variety of malocclusions. Although both are proven and tested methods, invisible aligners are preferred by patients when compared to traditional braces due to their refined aesthetics and practical usage.

However, each of these methods has its advantages and limitations, the most frequent question we get from the patients is, ‘’How long would it take for the pain to go away?" 

Answering the same question today, we will help you understand which is the least pain-causing method of treatment.

Traditional vs Modern:

As the curiosity of patients makes them wonder about the most ideal solution, the only thing that matters to them is the least amount of pain and which is only fair as no one desires of undergoing excruciating pain. And if given a chance to have straight, healthier, and flawless teeth without experiencing pain, no one would say no to it. What can help patients let out a sigh of relief is that neither braces nor aligners are linked to chronic pain.

Are Braces Painful?

Initially, traditional braces cause dull to moderate pain in both kids and adults. You could experience a little anxiety as the braces' wires begin to exert pressure on your teeth, but this will ultimately pass. Most people's discomfort should start to diminish and get a lot easier to tolerate after that after the first few days. Periodic adjustments made by your orthodontist to your dental-braces may be uncomfortable. But eventually, your teeth would become accustomed to these modifications, and the ache would go away. 

Are Aligners Painful?

Although aligners are more comfortable than braces in the beginning, several users have experienced mild soreness just after applying them. Patients may feel pressure similar to braces as the aligners start to put strain on their teeth. Most dental aligner users concur that the first couple of days are the most uncomfortable. The pain diminishes after the aligners get a hold of your teeth and you become used to wearing them. You might even forget that you're wearing one. Mild pain may also develop after removing and replacing aligners, especially if done frequently. However, each patient's experience varies, and many experience nothing at all during this procedure. 

In conclusion

During the first few days of treatment, some patients feel a similar kind of pain from both braces and aligners. Most people only suffer transient pain, with occasional tenderness in the gums. The discomfort of an adult won't generally differ from that of a younger patient. Patients who have more misalignment similarly need extensive total corrections. Your orthodontist won't try to make major adjustments overnight. Instead, they will gradually modify your braces over time, which may result in minor annoyance.

In conclusion, the discomfort caused by braces or aligners is only transient and typically doesn't last longer than a week. If you are looking for affordable dental care in Pune that will give you the best solution specifically designed for you, get in touch with Health Chakra.  Our specialists use the latest technology to craft custom braces or aligners for your pain-free smile.